Frequently Asked Questions

Our Harassment Training Frequently Asked Questions

Below, we’ve compiled a list of the most Frequently Asked Questions that clients and prospective clients have regarding our harassment training classes. If there’s a question we didn’t answer, check out our California Harassment Training Blog or please CONTACT US to find out more!

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Do you offer webinars and remote web-based training?

Yes we do! Although we focus on providing live, in-person trainings, we understand that the world is changing, and remote trainings via webinar may be preferable.

Therefore, we are now providing web-based trainings for all of our courses: manager harassment prevention training, employee harassment training, interviewing and performance management, etc., so that your team receives messages that are cohesive and uniform.

Our engaging webinars are compliant with all laws and are a cost-effective strategy for training your team remotely.

Did our Frequently Asked Questions not quite answer what you needed? Please visit our Webinar / Remote Learning page to learn more or contact us.

Do you offer online anti-harassment training?

Yes we do! Please know, we focus on providing live, in-person trainings because studies show that there is no competition between the retention, understanding and involvement in a live training versus an online course. 

However, we understand that not everyone can attend the live training and that newly hired or promoted individuals must be trained within 6 months. Therefore, we have created an online quiz, based on our live training, so that all the messages your team receives are cohesive and uniform. For example, we will provide tools to assist in preventing misunderstandings, and by providing our online training to your folks that could not attend the live training, your entire team will receive the same message.

Did our Frequently Asked Questions not quite answer what you needed? Please visit our online harassment training course page to learn more or contact us.

Isn’t a live, in-person on-site training expensive?

If you hire a big law firm to train your team, it can be very expensive. However, as a small business, we have a low overhead and can keep our costs down. Therefore, depending how many people are being trained, it can actually be more cost effective to have an in-person trainer that charges a flat fee!

Additionally, because your team will learn tools to actually help prevent claims of harassment or discrimination, an in-person training could actually save your organization countless dollars and the stress associated with a claim of harassment or discrimination.

Did our Frequently Asked Questions not quite answer what you needed? Feel free to contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the solution to your harassment training requirements. 

What does The Compliance Pros provide; and what do we need to provide?

The Compliance Pros will provide:

  • a brief legal review of your organization’s harassment policies (and if there are any known issues, we will bring them to your attention),
  • either the PowerPoint or flip charts (see below),
  • a “Completion Certificate” for each participant (to keep for your records)
  • a “Summary of California Law”. This summary (one version for managers and another version for employees) summarizes the law in California with regard to harassment, discrimination, retaliation, reporting, etc. This document meets all DFEH notice requirements and is a useful and practical take-away for your team.
  • an “Evaluation Form” (if you do not have an HR person or company representative in each session, the form will give you an indication as to how the class went),
  • a sign-in sheet for each session to keep for your records, and
  • a “Policy Acknowledgement Form” that each participant will sign acknowledging that they have read and understand your organization’s policy (to keep for your records).

You will provide:

  • the training room,
  • copies of your harassment policies,
  • if you prefer PowerPoint, then the device to play the PowerPoint, as well as the screen, monitor, etc.,
  • or if you prefer using flip charts instead of a PowerPoint, then please let us know if you have flip-charts and two floor easels (if you don’t, we will bring ours), and
  • pens or pencils for the participants.

Did our Frequently Asked Questions not quite answer what you needed? Feel free to contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the solution to your harassment training requirements. 

What kind of room do you need for the training?

Ideally the training would take place in a room, with 4 to 5 participants sitting at each table, facing the trainer.

That said, we have done trainings in large conference rooms with some participants sitting at the conference table and others around the perimeter of the room. Or in bigger rooms with everyone sitting classroom style. Basically, so long is everyone is facing the trainer, we will make it work!

Did our Frequently Asked Questions not quite answer what you needed? Feel free to contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the solution to your harassment training requirements. 

Do you use PowerPoint or Videos? Do I need to have a set-up for electronic devices?

We do not use videos (they tend to be ridiculous). Therefore, we give the client the option of either using a PowerPoint presentation or using nicely printed flip charts.

In our experience, participants are so used to being bored with PowerPoint presentations that they find it refreshing when we use nice flip charts. In addition, we have seen countless trainings that have started late due to technical issues – whereas there is never a technical issue with a flip chart. 🙂 That said, we leave it up to the client as to whether they would prefer the PowerPoint or the flip charts.

Did our Frequently Asked Questions not quite answer what you needed? Feel free to contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the solution to your harassment training requirements. 

Why don’t you list your price? How does the pricing work?

We don’t have a set fee. The price fluctuates depending on the following: the number of participants, the number of trainings and the location.

If the location is local to the trainer, then the price quoted will be a set, flat, all inclusive fee.

If the trainer needs to travel to the training site, then we can discuss if you would like a flat, all inclusive fee (that builds in the travel costs) or if you would prefer the fee plus actual expenses (and the trainer will submit a copy of all travel receipts for reimbursement).

We understand budgets and bottom line costs, so we will work with you to keep our expenses reasonable.

Did our Frequently Asked Questions not quite answer what you needed? Feel free to contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the solution to your harassment training requirements. 

Can my employees pay for this anti-harassment training? And can I schedule the training during non-working hours?

According to California law, the employer is required to pay all costs associated with the training, and may not pass along those costs to their employees.

In addition, the training must either be scheduled during normal working hours; or, if not, the employee must be paid for their time as though they were working (e.g., a person would “clock in” for this training.)

Did our Frequently Asked Questions not quite answer what you needed? Feel free to contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the solution to your harassment training requirements. 

Where do you train? Are you able to travel to us to train at our location?

Yes! Our harassment trainers are located in Los Angeles and San Diego, however, they travel across the United States. Specifically they train in Southern California, Northern California (the Bay Area, San Francisco, Silicone Valley / Palo Alto), New York, Chicago, Denver, Seattle, etc.

Did our Frequently Asked Questions not quite answer what you needed? Feel free to contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the solution to your harassment training requirements. 

What types of companies / organizations have your trained?

We have trained every industry from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies, including: technology, hospitality, social media, entertainment, aerospace, accounting/CPA firms, advertising, construction, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, restaurants, consulting, retail and venture capital.

Did our Frequently Asked Questions not quite answer what you needed? Feel free to contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the solution to your harassment training requirements.