SB 1343 Leadership Harassment Prevention Training for
Managers and Supervisors

Live and In-Person
SB 1343 Leadership Harassment Prevention Training
for Managers and Supervisors
In this 2-hour (or recommended 2.5-hour) class, leaders will learn about:
- Your organization’s policy on harassment. The course will focus on sexual harassment, but will also cover all forms of unlawful harassment, such as harassment based on race, religion, disability, etc.
- The protected classes (including the categories that are unique to California).
- What harassment is and what it isn’t. And the two distinct types of harassment.
- If a manager is “mean”, is it a hostile working environment?
- Bullying, and what is the difference between bullying and harassment?
- Behavior during work, and outside of work, that can lead to issues of harassment.
- What a manager should say – and importantly, not say – when an employee reports a potential issue.
- Leaderships’ legal requirements, both Federally and in California.
- That managers can be held personally liable if they are aware of harassment and don’t stop it.
This course complies with SB 1343, AB 1825, AB 2053, SB 778, and all other applicable Federal and California laws. But this is not a dry training that “just checks the box” that you have complied with the laws. Instead participants will be fully engaged and will understand what is unacceptable and why.
In fact, most people are confused by what is harassment, hostile working environment and bullying – and what are the differences. After our training, your team will understand!
Moreover, they will also be given the tools to prevent harassment on the spot in a comfortable and easy manner.
View our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about our courses. Please contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros’ onsite or remote trainings are the best solution for your harassment training needs.
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What will we get if we hire your team?
- Prior to the training, The Compliance Pros will do a brief review of your organization’s harassment policy and if there are any known issues, we will bring them to your attention prior to the training.
- The ability to customize and tailor the class to meet your needs.
- A “Completion Certificate” for each participant (to keep for your records).
- A “Policy Acknowledgement Form” that each participant will sign acknowledging that they have read and understand your organization’s policy (to keep for your records).
- A “Summary of California Law”. This summary (one version for managers and another version for employees) summarizes the law in California with regard to harassment, discrimination, retaliation, reporting, etc. This document meets all DFEH notice requirements and is a useful and practical take-away for your team.
- An “Evaluation Form” (if you do not have an HR person or company representative in each session, the form will give you an indication as to how the class went).
- A sign-in sheet for each session to keep for your records. (Per the DFEH, this sign-in sheet should be retained for a period of two years.)
- Either the use of PowerPoint or flip charts, whichever is most convenient.
View our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about our courses. Also, please contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the best solution for your harassment training needs.
Who is considered a “supervisor” (should my employee take this training or the non-supervisor training)?
The definitions of “manager” and “supervisor” are very generous. According to the DFEH, supervisors are considered to be anyone that has any kind of power, influence or control over other employees. Therefore, if you have an employee that is a lead or a supervisor of some sort, even if their title does not reflect that role, they should be in the manager/supervisor training and not in the employee training. In addition, most individuals in Human Resources and/or in an Office Manager role, should take the manager/supervisor training.
View our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about our courses. Also, please contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the best solution for your harassment training needs.
Will this training be “boring”?
Not at all! Because our entertaining trainers encourage participation and questions, your team will walk out of our training saying it was one of the most engaging trainings they have ever taken!
View our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about our courses. Also, please contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the best solution for your harassment training needs.
Is your training “black and white” or do you discuss the “gray areas”?
If this was an e-training, there would be questions like: “Is it okay to say, ‘Sleep with me, or you are fired.’?” But we already know the answers to those types of extreme scenarios! What we don’t know is the area in the middle where sometimes it is okay and sometimes it isn’t – for example, hugging or giving a compliment. Many other trainings will just say “don’t ever hug” or “don’t ever compliment”, because it is easier to draw a line and just say “no”. But that is not real life. In real life there are sometimes hugs and compliments! And in our course, because it is live, in-person and our trainers truly understand the laws, we will discuss the “gray” areas of hugging, compliments, jokes, dating, etc., so that your team will understand what is acceptable and what is risky.
View our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about our courses. Also, please contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the best solution for your harassment training needs.
Why should you train your team (besides the legal mandate)?
This training will provide an “active defense” in the event of litigation. It will not make the lawsuit go away, but it will go to show that your organization affirmatively worked to prevent harassment in your workplace. But most importantly, it will give your team the tools they need to help prevent harassment and discrimination from occurring.
View our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about our courses. Also, please contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the best solution for your harassment training needs.
Can we customize / tailor the training to address our needs?
Yes! As attorneys with 40+ years of combined legal experience, we know what is required by the laws, how to address issues, and how to deal with almost all workplace situations. One of the benefits of a live training, is that it can be easily tailored to meet the needs of your organization.
View our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about our courses. Also, please contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the best solution for your harassment training needs.
Can we provide this training remotely via webinar?
We focus on providing live, in-person trainings. That said, we understand that the world is changing and remote trainings via webinar may be preferable.
Our engaging SB 1343 Sexual Harassment Webinars are compliant with all laws and are a cost-effective strategy for training your team remotely.
View our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about our courses. Please contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros’ onsite or remote trainings are the best solution for your harassment training needs.
Do you have an online option if participants are unable to attend on the day of the training?
Yes, we offer online harassment training! Although we focus on providing live, in-person trainings, we understand that not everyone can attend the live training and that newly hired or promoted individuals must be trained within 6 months.
Therefore, we have created an online quiz, based on our live training, so that all the messages your team receives are cohesive and uniform.
The online quiz is compliant with all laws and is a cost-effective strategy for training one person at a time or just a small group.
View our Frequently Asked Questions for more information about our courses. Also, please contact us to learn more about how The Compliance Pros is the best solution for your harassment training needs.